Monday, February 14, 2011


Our first taste of a business setting while in London was our group trip to DunnHumby. This is a business that has it's headquarters in London and is known for it's work and research of statistical data. Dr. Mee had set the entire trip up and it gave us all a chance to see how and why statistics is important and how it can be utilized in the real world.

When we got there, we first sat in a room where they gave us free goodies as we listened to them talk about everything that the companies does. What definitely sets them apart from everything else is the fact they have innovated the technology and approach to which they analyze data. The atmosphere of the entire company was very open and they seemed to have so many qualities that were beneficial for younger employees.

We were able to put all of the information that they gave us into play as we broke into groups of about 6 or 7 and did similar analysis to what they do daily. We looked at the data from a grocery store and tried to analyze the customer that would have botten that cart of goods. I found this aspect of the company to be so interesting and I really enjoyed how company driven everything was.

I thought it was amazing to see the corporate atmosphere and how welcoming the company was. One of the aspects that definitely made it more appealing is when they split us up and gave us a guided tour. Jonathan Sessions, Dan Whitaker and I were with this younger Scottish woman who had only been working at the company for a shot time, but the enthusiasm that she had for the company and the city was amazing.

Overall, it was a really great day trip and we had such an amazing time. It was definitely a much needed break from our hecktic class schedules, but I think it gave all of us a greater appreciation for statistics in general.

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